If members leave your organization, the files in shared drives stay in place. You can also add specific groups as members of the shared drive. Put items that don’t need to belong to one person in a shared drive. Use shared drivesįiles are created by a user and then can be added to a shared drive, at which point the shared drive becomes the owner. Avoid nesting more than 20 levels of folders in My Drive or a shared drive. To facilitate the updating of permissions and items, avoid putting too many items in a single folder or nesting hierarchies deeply. If folder hierarchies grow large, updating them can take a long time. Service accounts are machine accounts that perform non-person business functions throughout Google Workspace. To expedite migration, instead use service accounts to share file creation across multiple accounts.

Important: To reduce the possibility of errors and improve performance both during and after migration, do not let a user create or own more than 400,000 files, folders, or shortcuts.

ServiceAccountCredential credential = new ServiceAccountCredential( Var certificate = new X509Certificate2(p12Path, "XXXXXXXX", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable) Here the code I'm using to make a connection call public static DriveService Connection(string path, string username, string p12Path) The question is, I don't have any account over there, because you need to pay to use that, so, does anyone knows where all these files goes? I've programmed to my API has a service account in my application, it works fine, all connection, upload, download and delete stuff, but when I used to use User Service, all files goes to my personal drive, now it goes somewhere, I think it goes to Google Cloud Platform.